Bi til I die shirt

I went into cardiac arrest 4 times while in the emergency department. Bi til I die shirt It was due to long sudden death syndrome. The first time was not painful at all, I remember talking to my sister. My husband called an ambulance because I had been vomiting blood nonstop and been unable to pee for hours. The pain had been awful but more importantly, I felt so off I had this sense of doom like I was in danger. Once there, I vomited a few times and started to feel better, enough that they let my younger sister in the room see me. Ironically enough I had told her I felt better and that I probably wouldn’t be here very many hours. She started saying something but I didn’t hear her.

How to not die?

I just remember looking at her, she just looked like an old photo, fading…everything turned very still and fading into black like I was losing my vision. That was the real last coherent memory I have before my heart stopped. It happens to fast for me to become alarmed. To say “something’s wrong with me!” I didn’t realize my heart was stopping. I wasn’t in distress or scared because everything happened so quickly. My sister and husband in the room said I wouldn’t respond and that my eyes stayed wide open. I know that is the part that disturbed them the most, to see my eyes so wide open and dead. To this day I can’t space off, stare out deep in though because I’m greeted in panic by both my sister and husband. They are forever scarred by that moment of seeing me that way.

Bi til I die shirt, v-neck t-shirt, ladies tee, tank top

Even after years now. Bi til I die shirt if I get that look, one of them will shake me and say, is your heart ok?! I feel so guilty every time I see their look of panic, how traumatized they are by that single moment. What did I look like? A corpse with eyes wide open staring at them? Was it that bad? My sister still gets nightmares. Sometimes I can’t help but want to know how badly I looked. I regret admitting this but something between my sister and I’s relationship forever altered that night, and not in a positive way. Somethings no one should see.
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United States POD Print On Demand T-shirt:
Bi til I die Guys tee
Guys tee

Bi til I die V-neck

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